Monday 28 February 2011


58-365, originally uploaded by Sam-Smith.

The lazy streak continues with a photo of my new netbook!


57-365, originally uploaded by Sam-Smith.

Passed this in the street and just couldn't resist taking a pic.

Really should have paid more attention when I took it to avoid lining up the dirty mark on the tiles like that. Unfortunately it's the only photo I took that day and I didn't want to miss a day of 365.

56-365 Wine

56-365 Wine, originally uploaded by Sam-Smith.

55-365 Hunter

55-365 Hunter, originally uploaded by Sam-Smith.

Jeff ready to pounce

54-365 Nom.

54-365 Nom., originally uploaded by Sam-Smith.

Burger and a Long Island Iced Tea. Bliss.

Tuesday 22 February 2011

53-365 Broken

53-365 Broken, originally uploaded by Sam-Smith.

I dropped my camera and broke my favourite lens. I thought it was just the focusing ring that was damaged but the actual lens is wedged in at an angle too. Need to find a repair shop pronto though not sure if it's fixable.

Wednesday 16 February 2011

Tuesday 15 February 2011

46-365 Bubbles

46-365 Bubbles, originally uploaded by Sam-Smith.

Photo project from Digital SLR Photography magazine

Friday 11 February 2011

42-365 Jazz Hands

42-365 Jazz Hands, originally uploaded by Sam-Smith.

Emily busting some moves on the floor today

Thursday 10 February 2011

41-365 Beam me up

41-365 Beam me up, originally uploaded by Sam-Smith.

My first attempt at the "levitating" trick, surprisingly easy but rather fiddly. Think I'll be doing a few more of this type of shot!

Sunday 6 February 2011

37-365 Keep Calm and Carry On

37-365 Keep Calm and Carry On, originally uploaded by Sam-Smith.

I'm trying to do this anyway..

36-365 Nigg Bay, Aberdeen

36-365 Nigg Bay, Aberdeen, originally uploaded by Sam-Smith.

35-365 Emily

35-365 Emily, originally uploaded by Sam-Smith.

Another quick shot at the hospital, this was the only one I managed to take because Emily was having too much fun taking photos herself (no it wasn't with my DSLR!). Not entirely happy with the processing on this one but the lighting was terrible and I was trying to hide the stack of DVD's and the sink behind her!


34-365, originally uploaded by Sam-Smith.

33-365 Tulips

33-365 Tulips, originally uploaded by Sam-Smith.

Tuesday 1 February 2011

32-365 Run

32-365 Run, originally uploaded by Sam-Smith.

It's definitely time for me to dust of my poor neglected running shoes. Tomorrow.